All tagged CJ Cregg

Why can't CJ and Toby get married?

The West Wing Season Three

To all The West Wing fans - I'd love to hear your thoughts on this amazing show! As always, beware spoilers if you haven't watched and are planning to.

I like to call this Season Three: A conversation between friends...

You're right, it doesn't go away.

The West Wing Season One

To all The West Wing fans - I'd love to hear your thoughts on this amazing show! As always, beware spoilers if you haven't watched and are planning to.

The thoughts for season one are mainly by TV buddy Andy Ross, with comments by Haley Bragg and a quick interjection by myself. 


A Word about The West Wing

The West Wing. Arguably the best show on television in history - and it was on network! Eat your heart out, HBO. I feel like it's shows like The West Wing that really started the major cable networks in their quests for great programming (HBO, Showtime, AMC...I don't think any of them had serious contenders when TWW started back in 1999...).

Recently I talked to someone about the draw of The West Wing.  This friend is about to watch it for the first time but warned me that she might not be so "vocal" about her thoughts after watching. That comment made me think about just what it is about this show that sets it apart for me...