I’m not going to limit myself just because people won’t accept the fact that I can do something else.
— Dolly Parton
True Grit

True Grit

Now it's time for me to talk about the last of the three Oscar nominated movies I've seen. I watched this a while ago, so I don't always remember what these notes are talking about, but here's my thought path through True Grit. First, a confession: I've never seen the original the whole way through.


I’m not positive, but I might be watching a Ken Burns film.

“You must pay for everything in this world one way or another. There is nothing free but the Grace of God.”

My imaginary scenario: Little Mattie: “I like the way you talk.” Rooster: “I like the way you talk.”

I’ve seen all of these people; I’ve never seen any of these people.

Matt Damon…Holy cow! You look like a grown up!

“A saucy line will not get you far with me.”

Awwwww, she has true grit!

If this movie had a subtitle, would it be True Grit: Anne* of the Open Range?

"You are not LeBoeuf.”

Forrester – schwa?!?! He is dressed in a literal bear suit. He looks like Santa. If not for his friendly voice, he is my worst nightmare.

LUCAS! (This big guy was Lucas on an episode of Criminal Minds.)

“I will meet him later, walking the streets of Glory.”

I love how they’re matched to the colors of the horses – LeBoeuf and Mattie.

Bar.ry.Pepper. Love.

Watching the Goonies, who woulda thought it'd be JOSH BROLIN who'd grow into the Oscar nominee and "serious" actor?

GOOD GRIEF this hasn’t been her week.

Why didn’t I look away when he told HER to look away? (This would be when he sliced her hand open to get out the venom.)

I must have this soundtrack.

Mattie: grit; LeBoeuf: honor; Rooster: absolution

*with an “e”



The Dogs of War

The Dogs of War